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PoliceAdministrative Office Hours: Monday - Friday: 8 AM - 4 PM Saturday - Sunday: Closed
TelephoneEmergency: 911
Non-Emergency Dispatch: (815) 485-2500 Administrative Office: (815) 469-9435 Police Fax #: (815) 469-7997 Facebook Page Link File An Online Police Report
The Frankfort Police Department's primary goal is to provide high quality, professional services to the community, while continuing to be vigilant toward crime and traffic safety. The Police Department is dedicated to making the Village of Frankfort safe while enhancing the quality of life throughout the community, in every neighborhood, during every contact. For the Police Department and Police Officer to be effective, there must be common respect and dialogue between the Department and those it serves. This partnership allows us to achieve our primary goal of providing first-rate police services to the community where citizens can feel secure and protected. The Frankfort Police Department prides itself on a pro-active, community based, cooperative approach in providing these services to the Village of Frankfort and its visitors. We are available to speak at your business, Homeowners meetings or anytime you have a question, comment or concern. Currently the department consists of 32 employees who serve and protect a community of over 18,500 residents. The Department organization for sworn personnel is comprised of a Chief of Police, 2 Deputy Chiefs, 5 Sergeants, 2 Detectives, 1 Crime Prevention/School Resource Officer, 18 Patrol Officers, 3 Community Service Officers and clerical staff. We are in the process of hiring new officers to enhance our current staffing. These new positions will be “Directed Patrol” and will focus on crime trends and traffic safety throughout the community. For additional information and crime statistics
from the Police Department, please email us at admin@frankfortpolice.net, visit
our Facebook page, see our Police
Blotter on our webpage or contact us at 815-469-9435. If you have traffic issues, you can also email us at traffic@frankfortpolice.net. The Frankfort Police Department is dedicated to excellence in police
services and protection. - Chief John Burica |